School Development Lead Programme
This project aims to support mathematics leads whose role is to lead change in a school or group of schools other than their own.
Who can take part?
The programme is for teachers leading change in a school or group of schools other than their own, and will benefit those who have previous experience of developing leadership capacity in schools/groups of schools or who are new to the role.
Please download the information form and read it carefully before you contact your local hub.
What is involved?
It will provide a regional support programme through a series of three days of workshops (face-to-face and online), practice development activities, and an online community. The face-to-face workshops will run regionally across England.
Participants undertake to plan, lead and evaluate a school development initiative for a school or group of schools and to record their planning, evaluation and reflection in an Accreditation Evidence Document.
Successful completion of the programme and satisfactory completion of all tasks and related paperwork will result in the participant being accredited as an NCETM Accredited School Development Lead.
What will you learn?
Participants will:
support schools, groups of schools or MATs to establish sustainable cross-school approaches to collaboration and development for maths teaching
start to use collaborative Work Group models as one of their school development strategies
incorporate new processes and models into their school development practice
evaluate and review the effectiveness of specific maths school development models
develop skills in driving improvement in maths, including developing the capacity of school leadership of maths
know and understand of the challenges and barriers to school development in maths and how to tackle them
know and understand effective approaches to teaching maths, including teaching for mastery.
What is the cost?
The School Development Lead Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participants and their schools. Funding covers provision of the three face-to-face days. Travel costs will also be funded.